The Historically Accurate Game Jam is a friendly video game-making competition with historical themes, generally taking place twice a year.
In previous jams, we've covered themes such as the Famous Assassinations, Cold War, Your Country's History - and you get to decide what comes next! Challenging yourself to make a game that has historically accurate roots can be surprisingly fun. Why don't you give it a try?
Here's a summary of the jam's activities since 2019.
Feel free to join our Discord Community for it, or check out the recent results of HAGJ10!
All published posts will be re-released on a centralized official HAGJ site in upcoming!
Did you want to ask us a question?
Don't see a topic you're interested in, on our wiki?
Want to try your hand at writing entries for it?
Or are you interested in sponsoring our jams/providing us with winning prizes in the future?
Reach out to us on our Discord Community, or email us at: